CSL Silicones
CSL Silicones Inc. is an ISO 9001 Certified manufacturer of standard and custom silicone solutions for a wide range of industries.
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IT Services had become needlessly complex over time and the cost to run the systems was out of line. CSL needed a partner that can work with them in a transparent, communicative way.
In order to solve these issues, we moved CSL onto the Office 365 platform for email and collaboration, with the added benefit of bringing Microsoft licensing up to date. The hosted Exchange platform was decommissioned, as well as the replicated hosted site. An on-premises and cloud hosted redundant backup solution was put in place for both daily backups and for disaster recovery scenarios. A new managed support model was introduced to take on the daily support tasks of the environment. Monthly metrics are delivered to the IT Manager so he can keep his finger on the pulse of what is going on in the environment. A new VOIP phone system was introduced to lower cost and add functionality, especially for remote workers.